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The Queen Fans Complain About Khaya’s Acting And Storyline

Lately, fans have been expressing The Queen’s discontent even if its one of the most watched television shows, on DSTV.

Fans haven been left feeling disgruntled and unimpressed by the lastest additions.

Recently, The Queen fans took to social media to show their dislike of Khaya.

Khaya is played by Paballo Koza and he is Shaka’s love child and a troublemaker.

Mostly, the fans complained about his acting, saying he overdoes the facial expressions and his storyline is just as tiresome.

Here are some of the comments from social media.

“The Queen needs to wrap up this Khaya storyline. It’s enough now”

“Call me when storyline sa Khaya se fedile. I know The Queen can do better tbqh”

“That kid that plays Khaya on The Queen is one of the worst actors.”

“Can someone please let me k ow once the #Khaya storyline is done because wow. I honestly can’t!!#TheQueenMzansi”

“The writers are just lazy at this point… It seems as if they don’t know what to do with some characters so they just decide to write something that is really lazy. What they are doing with Khaya & Schumacher is so annoying”

The poor kid isn’t the only one The Queen fans want off the show. They are also calling for Ntando Duma’s head.

Ntando Duma, who plays Mpho Sebata on the televenola, seems to be rubbing off fans the wrong way, as they took to social media to comment her acting skills.

“The character of Mpho Sebata is really not necessary. . I don’t know if it’s the storyline or Ntando Duma just gives us a flat performance..#TheQueenMzansi”

“Ntando Duma must be let go! her acting is poor #TheQueenMzanzi”

A typical day in the life of telenovelas shuu!

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