Somizi‘s fans are not ready to give him a break and are requesting updates concerning his relationship with Mohale. Masses think it is their right to know since he introduced Mzansi to ‘Somhale’, so they want to know what is going on in their love life. Commenting on Lingashoni‘s first episode on Twitter, trolls take the moments to pounce on Somizi to which he does not comment.

“Don’t bore us wena. How’s your husband? Nxx

Somsom upi u Mohale. You can’t go ghost on us now. You introduced the Somhale rubbing it at our faces every day. We deserve an update pls. Nidibene no Mohale ningasinyeli ok.

U scarce Som G, don’t kill us softly!

Eish Somizi i missed you the time you came to Mams Mall. When are you going to come back again? Or even Sandton for one picture with you.”

Idols judge is having the time of his life and spoiling himself like no man’s business. Somizi is choosing to address the divorce rumours and making the most out of his friendship with Vusi Nova. “We promised each other that 2021 we are doing vacations every 2 weeks. So far so good, bestiecation @ndomaleho @vusinova1, ” he posts.

However, not everyone is all up in Mhlongo’s marriage as some of his fans encourage him to concentrate on what matters most.

“I love that in spite of all the challenges in your marriage, you did not take off your ring. In addition, you chose to be dignified and focus your energies on being happy surrounding yourself with friends instead of cheating. That is power and strength! ❤️

I know I’m not a bestie (yet 🙄) kodwa celu hamba nam. I don’t take up much space, anizoyazi noba ndikhona 🤧

I’ve bin searching how to be SOMIZI on internet🤦‍♀️😥 u inspire me❤️😍😍.”

The businessman and presenter refuted all the negativity surrounding him to suck up his happiness. With all the divorce rumours going on around, Somizi chooses to not comment on the issue.

Mohale is reported to have given his husband of one year divorce papers. Masses have been going on and on about how he will walk away with half of Somizi’s fortune if they have no prenup. Eitherway, Somizi has chosen not to give his fans a time of his life as he is living it up.

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