Each and every day of our lives is filled with strange things that happen. Be grateful of the little things that you have and cherish life to the fullest.

Here is Mahogany who is a model and she has never let her condition to detect what she can and cannot do in life . At an early age, she was diagnosed with a rare disease that caused her one leg to grow bigger and never stopped.

Ever since, she always dreamt.of becoming a model one day and as we see her now, she never allowed anything to come in a way and stop the beauty from achieving her dreams.

Mahogany is from Knoxville, Tennessee. Her disease is called Lymphedema, which causes one’s leg or arm to swell up, based on reports this condition is caused by a blockage in the lymphatic system, and this condition has no cure, but treatment can actually help ease the pains but can not stop the leg from growing.

Regardless of her swelling leg, she has since kept on believing in her self and looking all beautiful than ever . The sad part in all this is that her condition can make her clothes to look a bit weird as the legs are not of the same size. The good thing about this is that her confidence is what is keeping her this beautiful.

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