Several Cabinet Ministers including Felix Mhona for transport, Daniel Garwe for National Housing and Social Amenities and Aplonia Munzverengwi for Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution Mashonaland East gathered at Chivhu General Hospital ahead of the collection of the bodies of the 11 of the 16 victims of the Beatrice accident.
The 16 perished on Friday on their way to a church gathering at Makumimavi Shrine near Chivhu. The accident occured in Beatrice along Harare ,Masvingo road.
The sprinter is believed to have been carrying more than 40 passengers. One mother in the accident lost three children and one is in critical condition.
The government has stepped in to assist with funeral arrangements to the bereaved families as this disaster is one of the biggest in the country.
Accidents have taken more lives in the past 5 months . Most of the causes are directed to poor roads and reckless driving. The government has urged motorists to drive with caution and not speed in highways as this can cause series damages.