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Today 20 December 2020, Pastor Ian Ndlovhu has reaffirmed his prophecy saying he saw trouble in South Africa in 2021.he said he saw people in a boardroom pulling out knives. Pastor Ian Ndlovu says they may successful at removing one person but that will result in trouble. He says there is no government in the world without corruption.
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Pastor Ian Ndlovhu a Bulawayo based preacher has issued a prophetic warning for South African Christians to set aside some days to pray for the South African President Cyril Rhamaphosa.
He revealed that the President might face massive uprising and instability in the nation in 2021 with the intent to unseat him from the position of the presidency.
He said the infighting in the ruling party the ANC will lead to the instability in South Africa in 2021. He said they are forces in agitation right now which may reach a boiling point and facilitate the removal of President Rhamaphosa from power.
At the moment, Pastor Ian Ndlovu admitted that Rhamaphosa looked powerful and the people under him looks weak. However he warned that the forces in agitation might be activated against him in 2021.