Nigerian Prophet Metu was dragged mercilessly after he proclaimed last month that on the 25th of April, rapture would come, which would bring on the end of the world.
Recall that his vision was posted earlier on this blog where he pleaded with Nigerians and others who care to listen to the prophecy allegedly given to him by God
Tweeps after calling his bluff went on to wait till the exact day before they called him out on his posts, asking why his prediction had not yet come to pass.
Due to this the pastor has been trending wildly on Twitter. With his claims , it looks like 25 April has already passed and no rapture has taken place. The gospel of rapture has been mistaken by many over the centuries .
Events such as the great disappointment in SDA and the 2nd coming by Charles T Russell of the Jehovah’s witnesses has proven to be benchmarks for people who claim to know the date. Whilst there is no specific prophecy that needs to be fulfilled for the rapture to take place there is still so much going in the world that one can tell that the events are not going to happen tomorrow.
Firstly the temple is not yet built at the mount , the anti Christ is yet to take centre stage and many other signs simply do not add up for a rapture of today